Tabs props
Name | Type | Description |
activeTabKey | string | number | Active tab number |
children | React.ReactNode | Tabs |
onChange | (ev: ChangeEvent) => void | Tabs change handler |
shouldScrollTabs | boolean | Horizontal tabs scroll |
tabContentNode | HTMLElement | null | DOM-node to put tab content in |
theme | PartialGlobalDefaultTheme[ typeof COMPONENTS_NAMESPACES.tabs ] | ... |
_[className] | [x: string]: unknown | E.g.: _w-48 adds a css class w-48 to the component's outer wrapper. |
Tab props
Name | Type | Description |
children | React.ReactNode | Tab content |
isDisabled | boolean | In case you want the tab to be disabled |
tabKey | string | number | Tab number, should start from 0 |
theme | PartialGlobalDefaultTheme[ typeof COMPONENTS_NAMESPACES.tabs ] | ... |
title | string | React.ReactNode | Tab title |
_[className] | [x: string]: unknown | E.g.: _w-48 adds a css class w-48 to the component's outer wrapper. |
() => { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState(0); return ( <L.Tabs activeTabKey={selected} onChange={(ev) => setSelected(ev.component.value)} > <L.Tab title={'Tab 1'} tabKey={0}> <div className='p-4'>Tab 1 content</div> </L.Tab> <L.Tab title={'Tab 2'} tabKey={1}> <div className='p-4'>Tab 2 content</div> </L.Tab> <L.Tab title={'Tab 3'} tabKey={2}> <div className='p-4'>Tab 3 content</div> </L.Tab> </L.Tabs> ); };