Leda the React components library

Built-in forms, validation, customization etc.

Forms and validation

  • 22 components to build forms
  • declarative forms and validation

Start as easy as this:

    form="myForm" name="someName"
    _w-60 _mb-4 // tailwind css classes

    onClick={({ form }) => {
      log(form) // prints form data to the console

More on forms and validation

CSS classes

_w-60 and _mb-4 stand for className="mb-4 w-60". It gets handy when you need conditional CSS class names.

Leda components can have both className and _your-class-name props.

() => {
  const [isColored, setIsColored] = React.useState(false)

  return (
        Hello world!

      <L.Button onClick={() => setIsColored(!isColored)} _mb-4>
        Toggle color

Many examples use L. notaition. We have imported Leda as follows: import * as L from '@leda'.

L is just a namespace to get access to any Leda component in the live edit window.


All colors, sizes and other numeric values have corresponding css variables so you can change everything to make components look different.

Also each component has a theme prop to add/replace css classes of any HTML element within the component.

    wrapper: 'ld-wrapper w-60 mb-4',
    inputWrapper: 'ld-input-element-wrapper border-sky-500 hover:border-sky-700',


React 16.8.0 and above (the one with hooks).

npm i leda

Further reading



Form helpers (submit forms programmaticaly)

More validation examples